To Unplug or Not Unplug……
Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW

To Unplug or Not Unplug……

Despite all the advances that technology has brought us—breakthroughs in medicine, science, and space exploration—and increased knowledge, global awareness, and a better understanding of social and cultural issues, the same technology has played a significant role in creating a mental health crisis.

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Why Mantras Heal the Brain
Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW

Why Mantras Heal the Brain

A mantra is a “powerful spiritual formula, which, when repeated “has the capacity to transform consciousness.”

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The Importance of Spiritual Retreats
Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW

The Importance of Spiritual Retreats

Spiritual retreats have a profound impact on individuals: They offer a break from the daily grind, but more importantly, they provide a space for spiritual growth and self-exploration.

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The Holistic Benefits of Pranayama
Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW

The Holistic Benefits of Pranayama

Rooted in the Sanskrit words 'prana' meaning 'life force' and 'ayama' meaning 'control,' Pranayama teaches us to harness the power of our breath, leading to an enriched life experience.

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5 Ways to Express Love
Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW Kimberley L Berlin, LCSW

5 Ways to Express Love

Expressing love through these five languages can significantly deepen your relationships. It's a journey of discovery, learning, and adaptation.

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